Alcoholism treatment in Los Angeles

Alcoholism, also known as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by the compulsive consumption of alcohol despite its negative consequences on one's life, health, and relationships. Alcoholism can lead to physical and psychological dependence, as well as a host of other health problems.

Alcohol abuse is the third-leading cause of preventable death in the United States, behind tobacco and poor diet, and lack of physical activity. Despite alcohol being perfectly legal, it poses a significant risk to public health due to its potential for abuse. In small quantities, it acts as a social lubricant, causing minor inebriation, loss of inhibition, mild euphoria, and impaired cognition. However, for a percentage of the population, alcohol can be deadly.

Alcohol abuse is the third-leading cause of preventable death in the United States, behind tobacco and poor diet, and lack of physical activity.

Despite alcohol being perfectly legal, it poses a significant risk to public health due to its potential for abuse. In small quantities, it acts as a social lubricant, causing minor inebriation, loss of inhibition, mild euphoria, and impaired cognition. However, for a percentage of the population, alcohol can be deadly.

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Please contact us for a confidential consultation about business inquiries or to learn more about the treatment programs and accommodations offered at Spark To Recovery.

Some early signs of alcoholism

Call one of our admissions specialists
to get started on your path to recovery today.

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Steps to take before the addiction takes hold

Many people in their early 20s drink excessively, but most grow out of this phase by middle age, which means it’s time for some serious self-reflection if these behaviors don’t change soon!

The most important distinction to make between addiction and enjoyment is this:
If drinking doesn’t negatively impact your life in any way, and you’re entirely controlling your intake, you’re probably not addicted.

On the other hand, if your relationships, job, finances, or ability to meet your goals is impeded, and
you find yourself drinking more than you intended, or drinking when you told yourself you wouldn’t, you might need help.

It is important to note that there are steps we can take before the addiction takes hold.

A lot of people in their early 20s drink excessively, but most grow out of this phase by middle age, which means it’s time for some serious self-reflection if these behaviors don’t change soon!

The most important distinction to make between addiction and enjoyment is this:

If drinking doesn’t negatively impact your life in any way and you’re entirely in control of your intake, you’re probably not addicted.

On the other hand, if your relationships, job, finances, or ability to meet your goals is impeded and you find yourself drinking more than you intended, or drinking when you told yourself you wouldn’t, you might need help.

The stages of alcoholism

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The early stage:

This stage typically involves social drinking, experimentation, and occasional binge-drinking. The person may not experience any significant negative consequences of this stage.

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The middle stage:

This stage is characterized by more frequent and excessive drinking. The person may begin to experience negative consequences such as blackouts, hangovers, and problems with relationships and work.

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The last stage:

In this stage, the person has developed a physical dependence on alcohol and experiences withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop drinking. The person may experience serious health difficulties such as liver damage, and their relationships and work may be severely impacted.

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The end-stage:

This stage is the most severe and can lead to death. The person's health is severely compromised, and they may experience delirium, seizures, and other life-threatening complications.

  1. The early stage:
    This stage typically involves social drinking, experimentation, and occasional binge drinking. The person may not experience any significant negative consequences at this stage.
  2. The middle stage:
    This stage is characterized by more frequent and excessive drinking. The person may begin to experience negative consequences such as blackouts, hangovers, and problems with relationships and work.
  3. The late stage:
    In this stage, the person has developed a physical dependence on alcohol and experiences withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop drinking. The person may experience serious health problems such as liver damage, and their relationships and work may be severely impacted.
  4. The end-stage:
    This stage is the most severe and can lead to death. The person's health is severely compromised, and they may experience delirium tremens, seizures, and other life-threatening complications.
Call now -  (888) 915-1103

Physical, psychological,
and behavioral signs of alcohol addiction

This may help you if you have concerns for a loved one.

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Physical Signs & Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction​

  • Weight gain or weight loss unrelated to diet
  • Poor personal hygiene and decreased self-care
  • Injuries or illnesses as a result of drinking, e.g, falls or iver failure
  • Breath that smells of alcohol
  • Bins full of empty alcohol bottles or a mess of empties in the home.
  • Frequently seeming intoxicated, e.g. slurring, stumbling, and lack of coordination
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Physical Signs & Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction​

  • Delusions and irrational thinking, particularly during inebriation or withdrawal
  • Anxiety and paranoia
  • Attention, memory, and cognitive problems
  • Aggression, anger, and irritability
  • Being defensive and argumentative
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Mood swings
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Behavioral Signs & Symptoms of Alcohol Addiction​

  • Problems at work or school
  • Decreased athletic performance
  • Change of social groups to incorporate drinking and partying more, spending less time around friends
  • Withdrawing socially
  • Not following through with plans
  • Lying and deceiving others

Spark to Recovery is a leading addiction treatment center in Los Angeles that offers evidence-based therapies to help people recover from alcoholism.

They have a team of experienced professionals who specialize in treating addiction and providing personalized care to each patient.

Therapies offered to help combat alcoholism

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Group Therapy

Life Skills Therapy

Why to choose Spark to Recovery? 

We offer customized substance abuse treatment to help people overcome addiction and regain full control over their lives.

If you or someone you love has been battling drug or alcohol abuse, we can help.

Seeking addiction treatment takes courage and a huge amount of willpower. If you’re considering getting help, you’ve already taken the biggest step toward sobriety.

Call Spark to Recovery drug and alcohol rehab today to speak to a friendly addiction expert.

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